23 / August / 2016 10:44

Iranian Gov’t Pressing Ahead With Health Reforms

Iranian Gov’t Pressing Ahead With Health Reforms

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani said despite facing tough challenges, his government has managed to keep on track a plan for major reforms in the health sector.

News ID: 736150

Rouhani was addressing a ceremony to mark National Physicians Day on Monday.

"The last Iranian year [ended March 19] was a difficult year … but we were able to sustain a falling trend of inflation and stave off a negative growth rate despite sanctions and a decline in oil prices," Rouhani was quoted as saying by President.ir.

He thanked all those who helped the government implement the Health Reform Plan, saying, "The government will do its utmost to support related measures in the health sector."

The health program initiated by the Rouhani administration is aimed at lowering the cost of treatment, improving the quality of services in public hospitals and offering physicians incentives to work in disadvantaged and remote regions, reports Financial Tribune.

Promoting natural childbirth and providing financial support to poor patients and those diagnosed with virulent and special diseases are also among the goals of the initiative.

Rouhani, who took office in 2013, championed a controversial deal with major powers, which was concluded last year, and curtailed Iran's nuclear activities in return for easing international sanctions.

He lashed back at those who criticize the government for allegedly not fulfilling its primary responsibilities due to an obsession with the nuclear issue.

"The government is proud to have considered the nuclear negotiations alongside other issues," he said.

"The UN resolutions could not have been torn apart here. They had to be terminated in the UN Security Council through legal means. The current government took step after step to finally secure the termination of the seven resolutions against our country imposed under Chapter Seven [of the UN charter]."

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